Experiment 12: MBTA

As I mentioned in my previous experiment, it has been a busy and difficult semester for me for family reasons. Accordingly, I am two and a half months behind schedule delivering my 12th and final experiment for this grant cycle. Additionally, I feel like my work for the past few months on this process has been a bit underwhelming, but unfortunately this work what my current bandwidth allows for. I hope to make up for it in the next year or so.

Anyway, the experiment for this month is similar to the one done for experiment 11. However, in this experiment I am generate vector images that reference maps of Boston’s subway system (the MBTA). Due to the complexity of the MBTA system I’ve created four different algorithms, reducing the visual data at any time to one quadrant of the map, thus, the individual programs are called: MBTA NW, MBTA NE, MBTA SE, & MBTA SW.

Since all four algorithms are basically the same, I’ll use MBTA – NE as an example. For each example Knob 5 was used for the background color. There were far more attributes I wanted to control than knobs I had at my disposal, so I decided to link them together. Thus, for MBTA – NE knob 1 controls red line attributes, knob 2 controls the blue and orange line attributes, knob 3 controls the green line attributes, and knob 4 controls the silver line attributes. Each of the four programs assigns the knobs to different combinations of colored lines based upon the complexity of the MBTA map in that quadrant.

The attributes that knobs 1-4 control include: line width, scale (amount of wiggle), color, and number of superimposed lines. The line width ranges from one to ten pixels, and is inversely proportional to the number of superimposed lines which ranges from on to eight. Thus, the more lines there are, the thinner they are. The scale, or amount of wiggle is proportional to the line width, that is the thicker the lines, the more they can wiggle. Finally, color is defined using RGB numbers. In each case, only one value (the red, the green, or the blue) changes with the knob values. The amount of change is a twenty point range centered around the optimal value. We can see this implemented below in the initialization portion of the program.

	RElinewidth = int (1+(etc.knob1)*10)
	BOlinewidth = int (1+(etc.knob2)*10)
	GRlinewidth = int (1+(etc.knob3)*10)
	SIlinewidth = int (1+(etc.knob4)*10)
	thered=int (89+(10*(etc.knob1)))
	theorange=int (40+(20*(etc.knob2)))
	theblue=int (80+(20*(etc.knob2)))
	thegreen=int (79+(20*(etc.knob3)))
	thesilver=int (46+(20*(etc.knob4)))
	j=int (9-(1+(7*etc.knob1)))

The value j stands for the number of superimposed lines. This then transitions into the first of four loops, one for each of the groups of lines. Below we see the code for red line portion of program. The other three loops are fairly much the same, but are much longer due to the complexity of the MBTA map. An X and a Y coordinate are set inside this loop for every point that will be used. REscale is multiplied by a value from etc.audio_in which is divided by 33000 in order to change that audio level into a decimal ranging from 0 to 1 (more or less). This scales the value of REscale down to a smaller value, which is added to the numeric value. It is worth noting that because audio values can be negative, the numeric value is at the center of potential outcomes. Scaling the index number of etc.audio_in by (i*11), (i*11)+1, (i*11)+2, & (i*11)+3 lends a suitable variety of wiggles for each instance of a line.

	j=int (9-(1+(7*etc.knob1)))
	for i in range(j):
		AX=int (320+(REscale*(etc.audio_in[(i*11)]/33000)))
		AY=int (160+(REscale*(etc.audio_in[(i*11)+1]/33000)))
		BX=int (860+(REscale*(etc.audio_in[(i*11)+2]/33000)))
		BY=int (720+(REscale*(etc.audio_in[(i*11)+3]/33000)))
		pygame.draw.line(screen, redcolor, (AX,AY), (BX, BY), RElinewidth)

I arbitrarily limited each program to 26 points (one for each letter of the alphabet). This really causes the vector graphic to be an abstraction of the MBTA map. The silver line in particular gets quite complicated, so I’m never really able to fully represent it. That being said, I think that anyone familiar with Boston’s subway system would recognize it if the similarity was pointed out to them. I also imagine any daily commuter on the MBTA would probably recognize the patterns in fairly short order. However, in watching my own video, which uses music generated by a PureData algorithm that will be used to write a track for my next album, I noticed that the green line in the MBTA – NE and MBTA – SW needs some correction.

The EYESY has been fully incorporated into my live performance routine as Darth Presley. You can see below a performance at the FriYay series at the New Bedford Art Museum. You’ll note that the projection is the Random Lines algorithm that I wrote. Likewise graduating senior Edison Roberts used the EYESY for his capstone performance as the band Geepers! You’ll see a photo of him below with a projection using the Random Concentric Circles algorithm that I wrote. I definitely have more ideas of how to use the EYESY in live performance. In fact, others have started to use ChatGPT to create EYESY algorithms.

Ultimately my work on this grant project has been fruitful. To date the algorithms I’ve written for the Organelle and EYESY have been circulated pretty well on Patchstorage.com (clearly the Organelle is the more popular format of the two) . . .

2opFM (Organelle) 2 likes, 586 views, 107 downloads
Additive Odd / Even (Organelle) 6 likes, 969 views, 184 downloads
Bass Harmonica (Organelle) 7 likes, 825 views, 174 downloads
Basic Circle (EYESY) 307 views, 7 downloads
Wavetable Sampler (Organelle) 2 likes, 796 views, 123 downloads
Basic Circles (EYESY) 1 like, 279 views, 16 downloads
Random Lines (EYESY) 198 views, 18 downloads
Random Concentric Circles (EYESY) 132 views, 18 downloads
Colored Rectangles (EYESY) 1 like, 149 views, 31 downloads
Random Rectangles (EYESY) 168 views, 26 downloads
Random Radii (EYESY) 1 like, 169 views, 16 downloads
Constellations (EYESY) 1 like, 264 views, 14 downloads
MBTA (EYESY) 21 views
Total (Organelle) 4 patches, 17 likes, 3,176 views, 588 downloads
Total (EYESY) 23 patches, 4 likes, 1,687 views, 146 downloads
Total: 27 patches, 21 likes, 4,863 views, 734 downloads

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