Landscape Update: March 20th, 2022

I’ve gotten very little finished in the past month, though I did complete the bass recording for Landscape 7: Mountains. I honestly don’t think I’ll complete anything else in March. In April I hope to get the synth part for Landscape 12: Autumn Forest recorded, if not more. I will leave you with a realization of Landscape 11: Farmland, that includes Carl Bugbee’s guitar part.

Landscape Update: February 6th, 2022

Carl Bugbee, from the band Take it to the Bridge, came through in a big way. He recorded the guitar parts for landscapes nine through 13. I will be unveiling these movements one by one over the next few months. I am halfway through recording the bass part to Landscape 7: Mountains, and expect to finish it in the next couple of weeks. After that I plan on recording the bass or synth part to Landscape 12: Autumn Forest. This month I’ll leave you with a realization of Landscape 9: Desert with Carl’s guitar part.

Announcement: Landscapes

Hello All: I’m pleased to announce that I have received professional development grant to work on the multichannel recordings for Landscapes. I suspected that it was likely that I would be awarded this grant, so I worked on the project a bit between when I applied, and when I was just informed of the grant decision. Thus, in that time I recorded a bass part for Landscape 1: Forest and Landscape 4: Sand Dunes, as well as a synthesizer part for Landscape 7: Mountains. I used my Moog Mother 32 for the synthesizer recording. I hope to start on a bass recording for Landscape 7 soon. As in previous years, I will post a monthly update to keep y’all appraised of my progress.  I will leave you with an updated recording of Landscape 7: Mountains.

Landscape Update: December 12th, 2020

I’m a bit ahead of where I was last month at this time, but I could still be better positioned. In November I managed to revise the third phrase of the pedal steel part for Landscape 11: Farmland. Yesterday I recorded the synthesizer part for Landscape 1:  Forest using my Moog Mother 32. This month I will leave you with an update of Landscape 10: Rocky Coast, which includes more orchestral samples, some trombone chords that I played, as well as a musique concrete part.

Landscape Update: November 15th, 2020

Well, I’m a little bit behind where I’d like to be.  Last weekend I finally finished some revisions of Landscape 10: Rocky Coast. I added more string, horn, and trombone samples, as well as added a musique concrete part for one of the phrases.  The trombone samples were actually played by me.  I will likely share that recording next month.
For this month I will be sharing some revisions I made to Landscape 4: Sand Dunes in August, where I added more orchestral samples, and took away some of the musique concrete in the process.

Landscape Update: October 4th, 2020

I reached my goal of September by revising the piano part for the third phrase.  I wrote an orchestral part, which still needs a bit of work on the articulations before I’ll call it finished, for Landscape 13: River. I hope to book a recording session for it sometime before the end of 2020. Finally, I recorded a synthesizer part for Landscape 3: Pond, which I include here.

Landscape Update: September 6th, 2020

I just met my goal for August with plenty of time to spare. I revised the pedal steel part for the eighth phrase of Landscape 8: Palm Glade. I was also able to mix the audio files from my Musiversal reading on July 16th. During the editing and mixdown process, I also added more orchestral samples to Landscape 4: Sand Dunes, taking away some of the musique concrete in the process. I leave you with the current realization of Landscape 10: Rocky Coast, that contains the orchestral recordings I mixed this past month.

Landscape Update: August 2nd, 2020

I just met my goal for July yesterday. I added some orchestral samples and musique concrete to Landscape 7: Mountains. I had a Musiversal reading on July 16th, which went very well. One of my goals for the next couple of weeks is to mix the audio files from that session. I leave you with the updated version of Landscape 7: Mountains.

Landscapes Update: July 5th, 2020

I met my June goals, revising the pedal steel part in phrase four of Landscape 6: Beach.  I also recorded a synth part for Landscape 5: Marsh on a Moog Mother 32. The goal for July is to revise Landscape 7: Mountains. I also have a Musiversal recording session on July 16th to have an orchestral part for Landscape 10: Rocky Coast. Musiversal has changed the instrumentation of their basic, now called studio, orchestra. They’ve dropped two French horns, going down to two, but added harp and percussion, so I’m excited that there’ll be harp and timpani in the next recording. For this month I’ll leave you with the latest realization of Landscape 5: Marsh, including the new synth part.