Bio: I have had some horribly disturbing waking dreams of being a monstrous apparition, part-man, but mostly machine; soulless and demonic, terrorizing man and beast alike with sounds unlike any other, sounds that alternately inspire and chill, lifting spirits only to dash them again on some distant rocky shore comprised of dissonance and psychotic visions. I am haunted by sizable blackouts, what some refer to as lost time, and frequently awaken in unknown locations, smelling of Malört and regret with nothing to explain my activities save for a plectrum and a few patch chords.
The H.E.A.P. (The Housatonic Electronic Algorithmic Philharmonic):
Dr. Todd Gernes: electric guitar
Darth Presley: fretless bass, theremin
Volca Sample 2, Volca Keys, Volca FM 2, EYESY (video synthesizer) driven by algorithms written in Pure Data.
6:00:00PM Roc
6:03:20PM TriStar
6:10:00PM Delver
6:13:20PM 737
6:20:00PM Ankheg
6:23:20PM A300
6:30:00PM Windghost
6:33:20PM DC-8
6:40:00PM Untitled Ambient Piece
7:00:00PM Bulette
7:03:20PM Wyste
7:06:40PM 727
7:13:20PM Aboleth
7:16:40PM 707
7:23:20PM Rampager
7:26:40PM DC-10
7:33:20PM Catoblepas
7:36:40PM DC-9
7:43:20PM Megalodon
7:46:40PM 747
7:53:20PM Moonbeast
7:56:40PM Hydra
TriStar, 737, A300, DC-8, 727, 707, DC-10, DC-9, & 747 are from the album Rotate (Bandcamp, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music). Roc, Delver, Ankheg, Windghost, Bulette, Wyste, Aboleth, Rampager, Catoblepas, Megalodon, Moonbeast, & Hydra are from the forthcoming album Monstrum Pacificum Bellicosum (projected completion 2026). The untitled ambient piece will hopefully be released on an album planned for 2025.
Special thanks to: Scott Bishop, Dr. Todd Gernes, Dr. Uma Hiremath, Dr. Greg Maneiro, Garrett McComas, and the Digital Innovation Lab at Stonehill College.
@darthpresley_americanhero Instagram
@darthpresley TikTok