I got a respectable amount of work done this week. I completed the final mixes for five movements: A300, DC-8, 707, DC-10, and DC-9. I also revised the final mix I created for TriStar based upon feedback from Ben (Slash Gordon). While this may not numerically seem like much work in comparison to previous weeks, the mix process has been taking quite a while. Thirty-two tracks are a lot to balance! Ultimately I am well on schedule to complete the project by the end of week 16.
I haven’t given an update on my progress on my next album project since week 12. I have completed the first draft of the algorithms that will generate the accompaniment (synths and drum machine) for a third of the album. I am currently working on a prototype of the algorithm that will generate accompaniment for another third of the album. I am guessing I have about one more week of work on this algorithm.
Since I’ve shared the final mix of 707, I figured I’d re-share the string quartet arrangement for those who want to follow along. The B section uses notes from the D harmonic minor scale, while the final section uses only the dominant (A). I’m pleased with the unique rhythmic solution to the end. I wanted each instrument to slowly arpeggiate through every octave of the note A that they can reasonably play. Given where each instrument starts, you come up with a different number of notes. Rather than have every instrument move at the same time, I spread them out, moving most of them from note to note at staggered times. This spreads out the motion a bit.