I met my June goals, revising the pedal steel part in phrase four of Landscape 6: Beach. I also recorded a synth part for Landscape 5: Marsh on a Moog Mother 32. The goal for July is to revise Landscape 7: Mountains. I also have a Musiversal recording session on July 16th to have an orchestral part for Landscape 10: Rocky Coast. Musiversal has changed the instrumentation of their basic, now called studio, orchestra. They’ve dropped two French horns, going down to two, but added harp and percussion, so I’m excited that there’ll be harp and timpani in the next recording. For this month I’ll leave you with the latest realization of Landscape 5: Marsh, including the new synth part.
Landscapes Update: June 6th, 2020
I’ve met my goals for May. I revised the piano part of the eighth phrase of Landscape 5: Marsh. I also recorded harmonica parts for Landscape 8: Palm Glade. The goal for June is to revise Landscape 6: Beach. I also hope to do a little bit of recording in this month (maybe a synthesizer part). I have also spent some of my stimulus money contracting with Musiversal for a July recording session for an orchestral part to Landscape 10: Rocky Coast. This month I’ll leave you with a realization of Landscape 6: Beach that includes a cello part performed by Nara Shahbazyan.