Digital Innovation Grant: March 14th Update

Well, color me excited. Spoiler alert, this experiment was pretty darned successful for a few reasons. I’ll save those reasons for later in the post (that’s what we call a teaser in the business). The experiment at hand was to create a music video for the third track of Point Nemo using control voltages to automate settings on the Hypno. While my previous experiment also entailed using control voltages to automate parameters of the Hypno, that experiment focused on smooth flowing changes provided by sine waves.

For this experiment I focused on instantaneous changes primarily using a step sequencer. In particular, I used Behringer’s clone of Moog’s classic 960 sequencer (lower left in the image below). Since control voltages are literally just voltages that are applied to individual modules in order to alter a setting or parameter, a step sequencer is typically a series of knobs or sliders that are used to set individual voltages. These voltages can then be stepped through in sequence, potentially providing a melody or another repeating musical function.

The Moog 960 has three rows of eight knobs. Each row has two identical outputs. Accordingly, when the 960 is being used, it can output three different sequences of voltages. Furthermore, each row has a multiplier switch with three modes, 1x, 2x, and 4x. Thus, each successive setting generates a wider range of voltages. The speed of the 960 can also be controlled by sending individual gate signals to the shift control on the module’s lower right side. Since a gate signal is just an on or off signal, you can actually use a low frequency oscillator set to a square wave to provide a chain of gate signals. To make things even more complicated, I controlled the frequency of this low frequency square wave with a low frequency sine wave, resulting in the tempo increasing and decreasing in an undulating wave.

As mentioned in the previous experiment, that Hypno has seven CV inputs. The three outputs of the Behringer 960 covers three of these. I covered another two of them by using the same sample and hold setup that I mentioned in the previous experiment, including one being fed pink noise and the other being fed white noise.

The final two control voltages sent to the Hypno came from envelope generators (EG). Envelope generators are intended to provide sculpted sound settings that approximate the nature of acoustic sound. Most envelope generators reduce sound into four stages: attack (the time it takes for a sound to hit full volume), decay (the amount of time it takes for a sound to come down from full volume), sustain (the level at which a sound sustains when it is being held), and release (the time it takes for a sound to become inaudible).

Envelope generators are triggered by a gate signal. Fortunately, the 960 has gate outputs for each of the eight repeating steps of the sequencer. Thus, I attached the fourth gate to one EG and the eighth to another EG. I then fed each EG to its own attenuator to allow me to easily increase or decrease the effect of each. One of these two envelope generators was used to control the zoom control of oscillator B of the Hypno, which is very noticeable, causing the size of the shape generated by oscillator B to grow and decrease in a very rhythmic, predictable manner.

Since this experiment is focused on instantaneous changes, I decided to also use one of the two gate inputs for the Hypno. In particular, I fed yet another gate output from the 960 to the gate input for oscillator B of the Hypno,. This cycles the shape control for the second oscillator of the Hypno.

As stated earlier, I found the results of this experiment to be highly satisfying. First off, the use of the step sequencer provided a visually rhythmic result, which somewhat balances visual variety and consistency. This made improvising with the system a lot more manageable. The system itself provided most of the variety, leaving me to make an occasional tweak to keep things interesting.

For the video input I used a USB drive that had both the video that I used to create the previous experiment, as well as the video of that experiment. Thus, when improvising live with the system I regularly switched back and forth between the original (unprocessed) footage of the sun glinting off of waves of the ocean, and the heavily processed video of that footage that appears in the music video for the last track of the album. Thus, in this video the viewer can still frequently recognize the source of the video, namely sun shinning on waves. I also regularly changed the setting for the type of feedback used by the Hypno. Finally, I often found changing the overall hue and saturation levels of the Hypno to create satisfying results. To summarize what I’ve learned from this, if you use automation to control various parameters in an effective way, this greatly reduces the task of performing other changes live, allowing the improvisor to focus on just a few parameters.

The final satisfying element of this experiment is that I did not have a single connection drop in the HDMI cable, so I was able to record the entire video in a single pass, requiring minimal editing when assembling it into a music video. This really approaches my goal of being able to create a perfectly adequate music video nearly in real time. Now I can shift some of my focus in learning how to use the parameters of the Hypno in a variety of ways, so each music video can be somewhat unique rather than seeming like a cookie cutter of every other video I create using the Hypno.

Digital Innovation Grant: March 13th Update

While I am satisfied with my video for my improvisation on “The Star-Spangled Banner,” I recognize one potential area of improvement. Given that I have two hands I can, at most, turn two knobs on the Hypno at a time. However, given the complexity of the system, I am more likely to move only one knob at a time, particularly given that many parameters require the user to press one or more buttons while turning a knob.

Thus, it is useful to automate parameters on the Hypno to allow for complex, simultaneous parameter changes. Frankly, it is also worth learning how to do this in order to fully comprehend the potential applications of the system. There are two ways to automate settings on the Hypno. One is using control voltages (CV) from Eurorack compatible modular synthesizers. The other is through MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface).

In December, 2024, I released an collaborative album of drone music titled Point Nemo. The album contains four tracks. My plan is to make music videos for all four tracks using the Hypno. For the final two tracks of the album I plan on automating parameters using control voltages, while the first two tracks I will automate settings via MIDI. I will create the music videos in reverse order, using footage from the previous video as the source. Accordingly, as the videos for the album progress, it should make a marked movement from heavily processed to less processed video, revealing a glimpse of the initial source video at the very end. I shot the source video at West Beach in New Bedford, shooting the late afternoon sun glistening off waves in the ocean. This source video relates directly to the title of the album, as Point Nemo is a location in the Pacific Ocean that is farthest from any existing land mass. Namely, it is equi-distant from Ducie Island in the Pitcairn Islands group, Motu Nui off the coast of Easter Island, and Maher Island which is off the coast of Antartica.

For the experiment at hand, I am using control voltages in conjunction with the Hypno to manipulate the source video, in turn creating video for the final track of the album, 364F234F6231. Before I get into the thick of it, let me return briefly to the topic of control voltages and modular synthesis. In the late 1960s, the earliest commercially available synthesizers were a series of individual modules that were packaged together. Each module typically performs a single function, and in order to make a sound of even the most basic level of sophistication, the user would have to route audio and control signals from several modules together using patch cables. The control signals would allow one module to control another through varying voltages. While such a means of making sound may seem antiquated and difficult, the complexity and nearly endless customization of such a system led to this approach, modular synthesis making a resurgence starting in the mid 1990s.

Perhaps suitably, the synthesizer I am using for this experiment is a modern clone of a modular synthesizer manufactured by the R. A. Moog Company in the late sixties and early seventies, the System 55. The instrument I have assembled over the years features, amongst other things, five oscillators and a step-sequencer. The Hypno features seven CV inputs as well as two gate inputs (gate signals are on or off signals that are useful for indicating things such as a key being depressed on a keyboard). For this experiment I only used the seven CV inputs.

Accordingly, I needed to feed seven control signals from my System 55 to the Hypno. Five of these come from the oscillators. All five oscillators were put in low frequency mode, that is the waveforms are slow enough that they do not produce audible pitches. Also, in all five cases I used the sine wave output. Three of these control signals were fed to attenuators, so I can easily reduce the amount of signal of each being sent to the Hypno. The other to sine wave signals were sent to voltage controlled amplifiers (VCAs). These VCAs can also be fed a control signal that automates how strong the signal is coming out of the module. That is, the control signal makes the volume louder or quieter. In this case, I controlled the VCAs using triangle wave outputs from two of the other oscillators. The output from the VCAs were then sent to the Hypno.

In this experiment I wanted to focus on smooth, flowing changes. Hence, my use of sine waves, which lends the resulting video a wiggly nature. However, in order to send voltages to all seven the Hypno’s CV inputs, I took a different approach with the remaining two signals. Namely I used the oscillator output of the step sequencer. This can be thought of as a gate signal that works like a metronome, providing a steady beat. This signal was sent to two different sample and hold circuits. While the dual sample and hold module I have in my setup is not technically from the line of System 55 clones, the original Moog System 55 did feature a sample and hold circuit.

So, what is a sample and hold circuit? You feed it an input, and a gate signal. Every time the module receives a gate signal, it samples the voltage at the input at that moment, and it holds the output signal at that level until the next gate signal is received. The most common usage of a sample and hold circuit is to feed it a noise signal, which is essentially random voltages. When used in this manner the module produces steady, but random voltages that change at a steady pulse.

That is exactly what I did here, except I fed one of the sample and hold circuits pink noise while I fed the other white noise. Pink noise has less high frequency content than white noise. The result of this difference is that a sample and hold circuit being fed pink noise will have a more limited range of output than one using white noise. Regardless, the two sample and hold circuits produce instantaneous (sudden) changes which were then sent to the Hypno.

Just as had happened with the making of my Star Spangled Banner video, the HDMI connection between the Hypno and my HDMI to USB capture card frequently broke. Thus, rather than generating a continuous twenty and half minute video, I generated five different videos ranging in length from about a minute and a half to ten minutes long. I generally arranged the video from most heavily manipulated to least manipulated. Throughout the video I feel that there are moments where one can recognize that the source video is sunlight glinting off of ocean waves. As stated earlier, my next video experiment will also use control voltages for automation, and will use the results of this experiment as the video input, so you’ll want to stay tuned for that.

Digital Innovation Grant: March 12th Update

Spring break has allowed me to catch up on work that I had back burnered a bit. I finished my draft of a Hypno manual . . .

Using the Hypno 1: Connections
Using the Hypno 2: Performance Mode
Using the Hypno 3: Modulation Mode
Using the Hypno 4: Feedback Modes / Feedback Modulation Mode
Using the Hypno 5: Using Input Shapes
Using the Hypno 6: Advanced Mode

Accordingly, I also feel like I have a good enough understanding of the Hypno to start creating videos. First, some context. For the last 75 years, music and music marketing has been increasingly reliant upon visual material. Due to American Bandstand (1952-1989), to Top of the Pops (1964-2006), to MTV (1981-), to YouTube (2005-), and TikTok (2016-), musicians and musical groups have been under increasing pressure to incorporate the visual into their music making routines.

This can be a problem for the independent musician. Creating visual content takes time, expertise, and often money. The more time a musician spends creating visual content, the less time they spend making music. Video synthesis is one potential solution to such a problem. Video synthesis typically takes place in real time, thus, creating a video, in theory, could take only the amount of time it takes to playback the music it will be accompanying. Furthermore, since video synthesis is based upon concepts of sound synthesis and to a lesser extent, performance, musicians are typically well versed in improvisation, and may also have an understanding of sound synthesis that gives them a basic level of expertise that can be built upon.

I recently released a recording of an improvisation based upon “The Star-Spangled Banner.” To create a video for the piece, I used public domain footage from four of Edison Studios films., including Raising Old Glory Over Morro Castle (1898), Statue of Liberty (1898), Parade of Marines (1898), and Morning Colors on US Cruiser Raleigh (1899). I used the resulting video file on both of Hypno’s video oscillators, and recorded the video output from a series of improvisations. One issue I had is that if I bumped the HDMI cable, it would momentarily break the connection between the Hypno and the HDMI to USB capture card I was using, causing the video recording to stop.

Ultimately I was able to record five video improvisations, lasting :43, 1:25, 1:35, 4:18, and 8:25. totalling 16:26. My recording of “The Star-Spangled Banner” lasts 11:47, so I cut each of the five videos into phrases. I shortened the longest phrases to be between 40 and 41 seconds long. Then I arranged the longest phrases from most identifiable to most distorted. Then I interspersed the shorter phrases arranging them from most distorted to most identifiable, resulting in the video below.

Using the Hypno 6: Advanced Mode

When not using input shapes, you may press the same combination of buttons (A & B for oscillator A or B & C for oscillator B) to set some advanced parameters. Some of these are the same as those used for input shapes. For instance, knobs E & F are used to set the luma key maximum (E) and minimum (F) of a given shape. Likewise, the farthest away of the top knobs (knob D for oscillator A and knob A for oscillator B) are used to squash or stretch the vertical dimension of a shape. However, when using the poly shape, this control is used to set the number of sides for the polygon. In this mode the three nearest knobs (knobs A, B, & C for oscillator A and knobs B, C, & D for oscillator B) are not mapped to any parameter.

Again, regardless of which oscillator is being adjusted, the slider on the left (A) performs a crop on the X axis, while the slider on the right (B) performs a crop on the Y axis. However, when the sine or tan shapes are being used, the slider on the left (A) adds extra modulation on the opposite access, while the slider on the right (B) adjusts the waveshape of the modulation.

Here’s a Sleepy Circuits quick guide describing some of the controls available in Advanced Mode . . .

video by Sleepy Circuits

The Hypno has still more features such as Eurorack patching, MIDI control, and presets. Further information can be found out about these features from the Sleepy Circuits website as well as on their YouTube channel.

Using the Hypno 5: Using Input Shapes

The Hypno will accept video via USB. This could be a USB webcam, an HDMI camera plugged into a HDMI to USB capture card, or a USB thumb drive that contains video files. Note that input shapes can be used on both oscillators simultaneously. You can change parameters affecting the live input by pressing two buttons. To do this for oscillator A, press buttons A and B, to affect oscillator B you would press buttons B & C.

The most fundamental of these controls is the input index and folder control. These controls are knobs A & B for oscillator A, and knobs C & D for oscillator B. The outermost knob controls the index (knob A for oscillator A and knob D for oscillator B). Moving this knob to the left most counter clockwise position can allow you to switch between two distinct video inputs. When using a USB drive including numerous video files, the inner most knob (knob B for oscillator A and knob C for oscillator B) navigates the folder, while the index (knob A for oscillator A and knob D for oscillator B) navigates the files. If you want to see the file names while you are navigating, you can first turn on help mode by holding buttons A & C down while turning knob F to the right past twelve o’clock. You can turn help mode off by holding down the buttons A & C while moving knob F to the left past twelve o’clock.

Help Mode Quick Guide

video by sleepy circuits

The third knob from the oscillator (knob C for oscillator A and knob B for oscillator B) are inactive in this mode. The farthest knob from a given oscillator (knob D for oscillator A and knob A for oscillator B) control the aspect of video, with the 12 o’clock position being normal. Moving the knob to the right stretches the video vertically, while moving the knob to the left squashes the vertical dimension of the video.

Regardless of which oscillator is being adjusted, the top center knob (knob E) controls the luma key max setting, while the lower center knob (knob F) sets the luma key minimum value. When the minimum is set higher than the maximum, the luma key values invert. In essence, luma key values allows you to make a portion of a visual image transparent, based upon the color value. Likewise, regardless of which oscillator is being adjusted, the left slider (slider A) performs a crop of the image on the X axis, while the right slider (slider B) performs a crop of the image on the Y axis.

Here’s a Sleepy Circuits quick guide for using video input . . .

video by Sleepy Circuits

Here’s a useful quick guide by Sleepy Circuits showing how to prepare video and image files for use on a USB drive . . .

video by Sleepy Circuits

Using the Hypno 6: Advanced Mode

Using the Hypno 4: Feedback Modes / Feedback Modulation Mode

To turn feedback on, you have to use the master gain setting in performance mode. Putting that gain in the center position (12 o’clock) effectively turns the image off. Turning the knob to the right adds positive gain, while turning it to the left adds negative gain. When you move past the center point (3 o’clock for positive gain and 9 o’clock for negative gain), you move beyond 100% gain, which introduces feedback. Pressing the center button (B) in performance mode allows the user to toggle between five different feedback modes. Each feedback mode is associated with a different LED color.

ColorFeedback Mode
Green Hyper Digital
TealStable Glitch
PinkInverted Stable

A silent video demonstration of the five feedback modes in Hypno.

You can then also adjust various feedback settings by holding down the center button (B), and adjusting the various silders and dials on the Hypno. I call this Feedback Modulation Mode. Moving the dial on the left (A), adjusts the rotation of the feedback. putting the dial to the left of center causes the rotation to move to the left, while moving it to the right of center causes the rotation to move to the right. Moving dial B adjusts the X offset of the feedback, with the center position being no offset. Thus, moving the dial to the left of center causes the feedback to move to the left, and vice versa. Moving dial C adjusts the Y offset of the feedback, with the center position corresponding to no offset, so turning the knob to the left moves the feedback down, while moving the knob to the right moves the feedback up. The dial on the right (D) adds modulation to the rotation of the feedback, with the center position being no modulation. Thus, moving the knob to the left of center causes the feedback to rotate counter clockwise, while moving it to the right of center causes it to rotate clockwise.

The upper two of the center knobs (dial E) zooms the feedback, with the center position corresponding to a 1:1 ratio. Moving the knob to the left zooms in, while moving it to the right zooms out. The lower of the two center knobs (dial F) creates a hue shift for the edges of the shapes. Because this is related to feedback, this can introduce a gradient effect. The two sliders adjust the amount of feedback that is sent back into the gain of the corresponding shape. Thus, slider A affects the gain of shape A, while slider B affects the gain of shape B. In order to do this, we need to first turn on cross modulation by pressing the button for the current oscillator (button A for oscillator A and button C for oscillator B). While holding this button, tapping the button for the other oscillator will toggle cross modulation on or off. This will be indicated by a green (on) or red (off) LED.

A silent video of most of the feedback modulation options in Regular Feedback mode..

A bit of experimentation is called for here in order to get an idea of what the possibilities are. That being said, making numerous setting changes in feedback modulation mode can be difficult to to undo, so, you might find it useful to restart the Hypno between trying out each of the Feedback modes.

Here is the Sleepy Circuits quick guide for Feedback Mode . . .

video by Sleepy Circuits

Likewise, here’s the Sleepy Circuits quick guide for Feedback Controls . . .

video by Sleepy Circuits

Here we find a quick guide by Sleepy Circuits which describes how to use button patching for cross modulation . . .

video by Sleepy Circuits

Using the Hypno 5: Using Input Shapes

Using the Hypno 3: Modulation Mode

When you press and hold buttons A or C, they allow you to further change the attributes of the two respective video oscillators. That is by pressing and holding A, you affect the first oscillator, while pressing and holding C affects the second oscillator. The manual for the Hypno calls this Shape Pages, but I will call this Mod Mode, as the settings that are accessed through this method essentially modulate the oscillator. For those of you who are new to the concept of modulation, we can simplify the concept for the Hypno, and state that modulation makes the images move.

When pressing and holding A or C, the functions mirror each other. For instance, when you hold down button A, slider A controls the scrolling of the shape. However, when you hold down button C, you would now using slider B to do the same affect. Thus, when describing various functions, I will try to describe slider and dial positions in relationship to the button being held, while also putting the exact slider or dial in parenthesis in order to be clear.

So, as already stated, the slider on the same side of the button controls the scrolling of the shape (slider A for button A, slider B for button C). The dial that is closest to the button (dial A for button A, dial D for button C) changes the speed at which the shape rotates. The top dial on the same side as the button (dial B for button A, dial C for button C) controls the amount of modulation for polarization or for Y (vertical) scrolling. In the later case, the twelve o’clock position on the dial indicates no scrolling, while moving the dial to the left causes the shape to scroll down, while moving the dial to the right causes the shape to scroll up.

The the top dial on the opposite side as the button (dial C for button A, dial B for button C) controls the amount of fractal modulation. The dial on the opposite side of the button (dial D for button A, dial A for button C) controls the amount of fractal drift, or if fractal modulation is off, the amount of mirroring or repetition. The slider on the opposite side of the button (slider B for button A, slider A for button C), controls the amount of modulation sent the selected oscillator to the other oscillator (A to B or B to A). The top dial (E) sets the color saturation for the selected oscillator (ranging from white fully saturated). Finally, the lower dial (F) sets the hue offset from the root hue setting from performance mode.

As we get further into modulation, it is very possible to make settings in modulation mode that you find difficult to impossible to undo or un tangle. Rebooting the Hypno by turning it off and turning it back on again, can allow you to reset it, but often dealing with the lack of predictability is part of the process. That being said, if you want to feel more in control of the output, change the settings in modulation mode slowly and change only one setting at a time, while noticing the visual change that occurs with that setting change.

A silent video demonstration of most of the options in modulation mode on the Hypno.

Here’s a Sleepy Circuits quick guide describing how to control color using a combination of Performance and Modulation Modes . . .

video by Sleepy Circuits

Likewise, here’s a Sleepy Circuits quick guide showing how fractal modulation is achieved in Modulation Mode . . .

video by Sleepy Circuits

Using the Hypno 4: Feedback Modes / Feedback Modulation Mode

Using the Hypno 2: Performance Mode

As previously stated, the face of the Hypno features two sliders, three buttons, and six dials. For convenience, through this manual, I will refer to the two sliders as A & B (left to right) and the three buttons as A, B, & C (left to right). For the dials I will refer to the four at the top as A, B, C, & D (left to right) and the two in the center as E & F (middle to bottom). The Hypno has several modes of operation that are accessed by holding down (or not holding down) buttons. I will refer to the mode where no buttons are being held down as performance mode.

image from Sleepy Circuits.

To get started with the Hypno, let’s not use any input, and just use it to generate video using its two video oscillators. The module is symmetrical, so the controls on the left (slider A, button A, and dials A & B) generally control the first oscillator, while the controls on the right (slider B, button C, and dials C & D) control the second oscillator. The controls in the middle (button B and dials E & F) generally control the module as a whole.

Buttons A & C set the shape for the two oscillators. Pressing the buttons cycles through the shapes, sine, tan, poly, circle / oval, fractal noise, and video input. These shapes are coded with the color of corresponding LED (red, green, yellow, blue, pink, and teal). The last setting, teal / video input, is only accessible when a USB video input is plugged in. We’ll deal with the video input shape in a later tutorial. While the manufacturer refers to the first two shapes as sine and tan, they both are essentially lines. The polygon shape is a septagon by default.

BlueCircle / Oval
PinkFractal Noise
TealVideo Input

A silent video demonstration of the five basic shapes in Hypno.

Sliders A & B set what the manufacturer calls frequency, but perhaps it is better understood as a zoom function. The zoom feature can be very useful when you are first getting used to the Hypno. Zooming in completely, that is pulling the slider all the way to the bottom can make a video layer disappear, so you can better see the effect of each control. Dials A & D rotate the selected shapes, and dials B & C control the polarization of the shapes. When polarization is low, the shapes appear normal. As polarization increases, the shapes start to bend until they completely wrap around, forming concentric circles. However, it should be noted that for the polygon, circle / oval, and video input shapes, dials B & C function as Y (vertical) offsets.

A silent video demonstration of the zoom, rotate and polarization / y offset controls on the five basic shapes.

The remaining two dials (E & F) control both oscillators. The former controls the gain of each shape, with the center position resulting in a black out of both layers. The latter dial controls affects the colors of the two layers, shifting the relationship between the hues of the two layers. At this point you should understand the basic shapes and controls in performance mode for the Hypno. Notice however, with the controls we have introduced thus far, there is no movement on its own. That is the shapes only change when a control (button, slider, or dial) is changed.

Here is the Sleepy Circuits quick guide for performance mode (they call it shape pages) . . .

video by Sleepy Circuits

Using the Hypno 3: Modulation Mode

Using the Hypno 1: Connections

The Sleepy Circuits Hypno is a video synthesizer that can generate video using two video oscillators that generate a variety of shapes shapes. Each video oscillator can be manipulated using a series of buttons, sliders, and dials. The Hypno can also accept video input via USB for each of the two video oscillators, allowing it to manipulate video (live or pre-recorded) in real time. Sleepy Circuits has a lot of great info about how to use the Hypno spread between the manufacturer’s website and their YouTube channel. However, in my opinion, they lack a single resource that functions like a full manual taking you through how to use the Hypno from beginning to end. I hope to do this in a few blog entries.

Let’s start off by looking at inputs and outputs. The back face of the Hypno features four USB inputs that can be used for connecting cameras, capture cards, USB drives, and MIDI instruments. The right hand side of the module features an HDMI out, a composite out, and a micro USB port which is used to power the unit. The Hypno is a bit picky in terms of the order you plug things in. You should always plug in the HDMI out before plugging in the power. When you plug in the power, you will notice that the Hypno goes through a boot up process. Note that there is no power switch, so turning the unit on and off is done through plugging it in and unplugging it. If you are going to use any USB input, you would plug that in third, after plugging in the power.

image from Sleepy Circuits.

image from Sleepy Circuits.

The face of the Hypno features two sliders, three buttons, and six dials. Since each of these fulfills several functions, none of them are labelled. The face also has nine 3.5mm TS sockets for use with Eurorack and Eurorack compatible gear. These nine ports can be used to control / automate the two sliders, two of the three buttons, and five of the six dials. We’ll spend more time dealing with this in a future post. However, if you plan on using these Eurorack connections, you will want to connect them after connecting power.

image from Sleepy Circuits.

At this point, you should be able to correctly connect the Hypno to inputs, outputs, and power in the correct order.

Using the Hypno 2: Performance Mode

Digital Innovation Grant

I’m pleased to announce that myself and Professor Katherine Elia-Shannon from Stonehill College’s Communication Department have been awarded a Digital Innovation Grant from the Digital Innovation Lab at the MacPháidín library. The grant will continue my investigation of video synthesis that I started using the Critter and Guitari EYESY from my previous Digital Innovation Grant. This time around I will be using the Sleepy Circuits Hypno.

The Hypno generates video in realtime, and features four USB inputs with an HDMI output. The core of the video generation is two video oscillators that generate what Sleepy Circuits call shapes. These two shapes are superimposed over each other. Various parameters, such as shape, frequency, rotation, and polarization can be controlled for each video oscillator. Likewise, there are global parameters that can be manipulated such as gain, hue, saturation, feedback. These parameters can also be controlled via MIDI over USB or via control voltages from a Eurorack compatible modular synthesizer. In addition to the internal shapes offered by the video oscillators, the Hypno can accept video input via USB as a shape for each of the two video oscillators, allowing the user to manipulate live or pre-recorded video in real time.

The first step will be to create a series of blog entries that explain the various features of the Hypno. This post will be aided by the vast resources on the YouTube channel for Sleepy Circuits. After that, I plan on making music videos for the four pieces on my most recent album, Point Nemo. I will also be teaching the features of the Hypno to Professor Katherine Elia-Shannon and her students for them to use in an assignment.

The first batch of equipment, the Hypno and a power cable, arrived this past week. In July the second half of the grant funding will payout, so at that stage I will be purchasing accessories to use with the Hypno. Stay posted for updates!